Wednesday, August 23, 2006

FNM and MNM in Oregon

I did another triple Coldsnap draft last Friday at Rainy Day Games and finished my usual 2-2. I can't seem to get over the .500 mark with Coldsnap events. I started a Coldsnap release league online last week and just got horrible cards. My cards were OK this time but I found myself playing UB again. I think I've gone UB in every Coldsnap draft I've done because everyone is fighting over red and green. I think I need to fight for Into the North and Boreal Druid more and try for that acceleration trick. The format is usually pretty slow, even for draft. Most games turn into creature stalemates since there's only one board sweeper and it costs 5WW or two other white cards to play. I also think that I should value Rune Snag higher if I go with blue again. It's quite good especially when most mana curves are on the high side.

I did get to play in a unique Monday night Vintage tournament at a new local store called The Mana Curve. Unfortunately they seem to be behind the curve because there was almost nobody there---just four people including me. We played round robin and my rustiness with the old Slaver deck showed as I finished 1-2. I got horrible draws against Shared Fate (of all things) and Oath including getting my only source of blue Strip Mined away in the last game. Combine that with stupid mistakes like tutoring for a Goblin Welder when there's an Engineered Plague in play set to Goblin and it just wasn't to be that night.

Thanks, Eddie, for the Slaver tips though. I will adjust my deck accordingly (insert evil laughter here). I still like Jester's Cap main though---Oath is one of the decks that it's designed to face. I've activated the Cap before and literally stripped all their win conditions away in one fell swoop. But I have to be able to get it into play and counter that first Oath and I couldn't do either on Monday night.


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